



第5問の日本語訳が好評だったようなので、それならば第4問も、というわけで… 日本語訳を見ていきましょう。



※問題文参照:YOMIURIONLINE (http://bit.ly/2j18xRF)


Physical activity in your childhood, such as playing sports and exercising, can greatly benefit your health when you are older.


Therefore, it is important to promote physical activity in childhood for one’s good health.


The schoolyard is one place where children and adolescents can be encouraged to take part in physical activity.


Thus, knowing how schoolyards are used by students may give us some helpful ideas to promote their physical activity.



A study was conducted at four schools in Denmark in order to investigate how much different types of schoolyard areas were used and whether students were active or passive in those areas.


 In the study, schoolyard areas were classified and defined by their primary characteristics.




Grass represented playing fields and natural green lawn areas, often used for soccer, but without any marked lines or goals.



Multi-court referred to fenced areas on various surfaces, like artificial grass and rubber, designed for tennis and other such ball games.



Natural represented areas with, for example, bushes, trees, and natural stones.



Playground represented areas with play equipment, such as swings and slides on safe surfaces like sand.


「Solid Surface」

Solid Surface described the areas with the hardest surfaces, like concrete.

「Solid Surface」は、コンクリートのような最も表面が硬いエリアのことを言う。

These areas were identified by flat open spaces, often having numerous markings painted for games and benches set in different places.



Using GPS devices and other instruments, the researchers measured the lengths of time the students spent in the different schoolyard areas as well as the degrees of their physical activity.


Figure 1 displays the average amounts of time spent per day in each area for All students and those averages divided into Children (aged 12 and under) and Adolescents (aged 13 and over).


Solid Surface was clearly the area in which All students spent most of their time, followed by Multi-court then Grass.

Solid Surface」は、明らかにすべての学生が最も多くの時間を費やした場所で、次いで、「Multi-court」、「Grass」の順である。


Natural and Playground showed similar averages for All students, with the average for All students in Playground being just over two minutes.



Furthermore, the study revealed differences between the average amounts of time spent in schoolyards by Children and Adolescents.


In comparison with Adolescents, Children spent more time in all schoolyard areas except for Natural areas.


The greater amount of time spent by Children might be explained by the fact that, according to the regulations at all four schools, Children could not leave the schoolyard during lunch time, but Adolescents could when they wanted to.


When looking at the degree of physical activity, researchers discovered differences among the schoolyard areas.


Students were most active in Grass and Playground areas. On the other hand, students were quite passive in Solid Surface areas, with Adolescents spending only 7% of their time there being physically active.

生徒達は「Grass」と「Playground」で最も活発であった。 一方、「Solid Surface」エリアではかなり受動的で、青少年らはそこにいる時間のの7%しか身体活動に費やさなかった。


The findings of this study show the importance of investigating the potential of various environments and features in schoolyards.


To promote students’ health, it is also beneficial to observe how varieties of games Children and Adolescents play affect the length of time spent taking part in physical activity.


Let us now take a look at these relationships.


(Henriette Bondo Andersen 他 (2015) Objectively Measured Differences in Physical Activity in Five Types of Schoolyard Area を参考に作成)



According to the passage, what is the difference between Multi-court and Solid Surface?

(1) Unlike Multi-court, Solid Surface contains artificial grass for younger students to play on.
(2) Unlike Multi-court, Solid Surface does not contain boundaries marked for students’ games.
(3) Unlike Solid Surface, Multi-court has a relatively soft surface made of various materials.
(4) Unlike Solid Surface, Multi-court is not surrounded by anything, which makes it easy to access.



In Figure 1, which of the following do A, B, C, and D refer to?

(A)Grass  (B)Multi-court  (C)Natural  (D)Playground


The main purpose of this passage is to「37」.

(1) discuss the benefits of being physically active at school in childhood
(2) give advice to increase the number of physically active adolescents
(3) introduce schools that encourage students to play on grassed areas
(4) show that types of schoolyards affect students’ behavior there



What topic is most likely to follow the last paragraph?

(1) The benefits of studying various school environments for different activities
(2) The connections between types of games and lengths of time being active
(3) The influence of the schoolyard environment on Adolescents’ physical activity
(4) The way schoolyard surfaces affect the time spent doing physical activity



