





問題文参照:YOMIURIONLINE (http://bit.ly/2joY4mh)





With a big yawn I woke up. What a fresh morning!



I felt very sharp, much sharper than usual. I was able to hear the singing of birds more clearly than ever before. I noticed the smell of coffee coming up from downstairs.


I stretched out my arms in front of myself and raised my back; it felt so good. I sat up straight, licked my hand, and started to clean my face with it…. Huh?… Something was strange.

僕は前で腕を伸ばし、背中を上げた。とても気持ちがよかった。 まっすぐ座って自分の手を舐め、そして、顔をきれいにし始めまた….おや?…何かが変だった。

Why was I licking my hand with my tongue?  Why was my body covered with fur?  I tried to say something, but the sound that came out of my mouth was… “Meow."

なぜ舌で手を舐めているんだろう? なぜ体が毛皮で覆われているのだろう? 何かを言おうとしたが、僕の口から出てきた音は… 「ミャオ」だった。

 It was certainly my bedroom that I was in. It was certainly my bed that I was sitting on. Everything was as usual except that… I seemed to have changed into a different creature.


 I was so surprised that I couldn’t move. I couldn’t do anything. I wondered – would I have to spend the rest of my life as an animal?

僕はとても驚き、動くことができなかった。 何もできなかった。残りの人生を動物として過ごさなければならないのか?


I began to feel afraid…. But after a few moments those feelings passed. So, with a wave of my tail, I started to explore my surroundings. A cat’s mind is said to be changeable like that.


As I went down the stairs, the smell of coffee grew stronger and I could tell what was for breakfast. Maybe the senses of a cat are sharper than those of a human.



When I got to the dining room, what I saw almost stopped my heart. It was me! The human I was sitting at the dining table! I couldn’t take my eyes off myself.

ダイニングルームに着いたとき、見たものに心臓が止まりそうになった。自分がいた! 人間の自分が食卓に座っていた! 僕は自分から目を離すことができなかった。

The human I was absorbed in a smartphone, maybe writing responses to friends’ messages or playing an online game. Bending my head down toward the phone, I was sitting with rounded shoulders and a curved back. I looked very uncomfortable.



I sometimes took a little bite of toast, but it appeared that I was not noticing any taste in my mouth. Actually, the taste of toast in my memory was vague. I couldn’t remember what else had been served for breakfast recently, either.


The human I was just mindlessly putting in my mouth anything that was on the plate while handling the phone.


I was so focused on the text messages or games that I took little interest in what was happening around me. In fact, my face had no expression on it at all.

人間の自分はテキストメッセージやゲームに集中しすぎて、身の周りで起こっていたことにほとんど関心を持たなかった。 事実、自分の顔には全く表情がなかった。

“Yuji, you never study these days. Are you ready for your final exams? You’re making me a little bit worried," said Mom.

「ゆうじ、最近勉強してないでしょ。期末試験の準備はできてるの? 少し心配だわ。」と、母が言った。

 “Mmm," said I. A sign of frustration briefly appeared on my face, but it disappeared in an instant. My face was again as expressionless as it had been before. “I don’t like this guy," I thought. But this guy was me. I couldn’t deny it.


 For the first time, I realized how I really looked to other people.
Then, as I started to leave the table, our eyes met. “Wow! Mom, look!
There’s a cat in the dining room!"


うわー!、お母さん、見て! ダイニングルームに猫がいる!」


I didn’t know why, but I was running. I felt I had to escape. Running up the stairs, I found the window in my room was open. I jumped! I had a strange feeling. The world suddenly seemed to have shifted. I felt my body falling down and . . . . Bump!

自分でもわからなかったが、僕は走っていた。 逃げなければならないと感じた。階段を上ると自分の部屋の窓が開いていることが分かった。ジャンプしたのだ! 奇妙な気分だった。 世界が突然変わったようだった。 僕は自分の体が落ちるのを感じ、そして…ドカン!

I was awake, lying on the floor of my room. I slowly sat up and looked around. Everything looked like it usually did. I looked at my hands. I was relieved to see they were no longer covered with fur.


I stood up and, with a yawn, extended my arms above my head to stretch my back.


Without thinking, as was my usual habit in the morning, I started to walk to my desk where my smartphone had completed charging and … I stopped.


After pausing for a moment, I turned around and went downstairs for breakfast.





When Yuji realized that he had turned into a cat, he first felt (42).

正解:① astonished


When Yuji’s mother spoke to him, he was annoyed because (43).

正解:② her words disturbed him


The cat thought, “I don’t like this guy," because Yuji(44).

正解:④ was not showing respect for people or things around him


At the end of the story, Yuji did not pick up his smartphone because he (45).

正解:① decided it was time to improve his attitude


What is the theme of this story? (46)

正解:② Observing yourself can lead to self-change.


